So, um. Things.

Feb 25, 2009 21:35

Thing 1: I really love newkidfan's layout. Every time she posts something pretty in one of the Merlin comms, I end up over there and I just want to pet it, it's that pretty. I kinda miss having a topbar instead of a sidebar. *ponders*

Thing 2: I'm supposed to be writing an essay which utilizes Victricius of Rouen's De Laude Sanctorium, Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin, and Tertullian's On the Apparel of Women. Heck if I know what I'm going to write. It's due tomorrow.

Thing 3: Today marks the second day this week that I've eaten things with feet. [My goal was changed when a friend of mine reminded me that crustaceans have legs.] I'm thinking Sundays will be bacon and egg sandwich day, and Wednesdays will be chicken wrap and roast beef days. I can totally do this.

Thing 4: felisblanco wrote an amazing, epic J² AU fic that's totally winning the imagery race for me. Y'all should read it: The Doors of Time.

Thing 5: How you doin'?

♥ personal: university, pairing: jared/jensen, * fic: * recs, ♥ personal: weight loss, shiny!

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