HUMANS ARE NOT MEANT TO BIRTH LITTERS. HOLY CRAP, PEOPLE. This isn't even really a political statement, except that I don't think most pro-choice women would carry eight fetuses at once. The human body isn't designed to sustain that many fetuses at one time, in terms of energy or sheer space. Personally, the thought of being pregnant with that many babies at once makes my uterus shriek in horror.
I know it's terrible to consider aborting a few fetuses so that you can give birth to strong, healthy babies, and I'm sure those who do sometimes wonder what kids 3-8 would've been like, but you have to think realistically, here. Women only have two nipples -- that should be an indication of how many babies women have evolved to give birth to, naturally. Dogs, on the other hand, have more, as do pigs. But look at the number of naturally-born babies at once in either species... you get what I'm saying?
Of course there are exceptions, 'cause there are always exceptions, but wouldn't it be better to give birth to one or two healthy babies who can come home with you right away, than eight premature, feeble infants who need to incubate in the NICU, most of whom will probably have health problems of varying severity throughout their lives? And don't even get me started on how tiring it is just taking care of one baby. I don't have kids of my own, but I've experienced enough in short bursts as Favorite Aunt to get a clue why my sister's aged ten years in the last three.
/ rant