And if it weren't for my stats class, I'd have seen it happen live on CNN.

Jan 20, 2009 22:44

No phrase has a better ring to it than this: "Former President Bush". I've been waiting for today since November of 2004, although I didn't have a name or a face to ease my despair at the time. When Kerry lost the American Presidential election of '04, I was almost inconsolable. It took my high school music teacher calling my dad to congratulate him on his own narrow defeat for the Maine House of Representatives to pull me out of it a little. He and my dad both told me this:

"It'll be hard living through another four years of Bush, but good things happened, too. Libby Mitchell [Maine's first female Speaker of the House] was re-elected, and there's a new, young Senator from Illinois named Barack Obama..." Well, today that Senator is the President of the United States. I say it's about damn time. And although we've got a long, hard road ahead of us, today's one of the first times in a long time that I've been proud to call myself an American.

Flist meme from betsyli:

I'd like to know more about my flist. Call me crazy, but I tend to like to know who's behind the username. Fill this out, then post it to your own LJ and I'll fill it out on yours.

1. Name:
2. Date of birth:
3. Where you live:
4. What makes you happy:
5. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to:
6. Do you read my journal?:
7. If yes, what makes it especially good or bad?:
8. An interesting fact about you:
9. Are you in love/do you have a crush at the moment?:
10. Favourite place to spend time:
11. Favourite lyric:
12. The best time of the year:

1. A film:
2. A book:
3. A band, a song, or album:

1. One thing you like about me:
2. Two things you like about yourself:
3. Look at my friends-list and tell what you like about one of our mutual friends:
4. Put this in your journal so that I can tell you what I like about you.

[ETA] Because I'm apparently a CRAZY PERSON, I've signed up for not only j2_everafter, but spn_j2_bigbang. Holy crap, people.

site: livejournal: flist, fandom, pairing: jared/jensen, idiot box: supernatural, politickin', politickin': president obama

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