fiareynne is totally jealous of my Captain Hammer tee.

Jan 09, 2009 09:39

Last night, fiareynne, dysisreynne, and I forayed into town together. Apparently my town found it necessary not only to schedule a freak snowstorm that wasn't happening anywhere else in the entire state, but also to schedule bridge maintenance on our only main road into town, so fiareynne got to learn two detours, yay!

First things first, we used our favorite music store as a thrift shop, and got back a fraction of what we'd paid for a bunch of DVDs. But hey, at least we got something back. And then, after a giant meal at a Chinese place [seriously, I could only eat about a third of what they gave me] and dysisreynne looking longingly at our food because she'd just had her wisdom teeth out on Monday, we naturally hit up our friendly local purveyor of smut.

I'm not sure what it says about the three of us that the clerk of the store immediately recognized us. He always tells us the same thing: he's an ex-stripper whose father is a preacher. Also, if we stay there any longer than like, a half-hour -- and we always do, because there's always new merchandise to laugh about -- he starts following us around the store and [fiareynne and I can never tell if he's doing this on purpose or what] flirting. Whatever gets you through your workday, I guess.

Anywho! Then we saw Milk. I gotta say, I was a little skeptical about Sean Penn, but he pulled it off. It was a great, really moving film about a guy I'd previously never heard of, sadly. I gotta read more, or something. It was interesting to learn more about the earlier gay rights movement. It's obvious that Harvey Milk and his associates helped to evolve the movement into what it is today, and I think even though he was brutally murdered -- or maybe because he was murdered -- he had a huge effect on gay rights on a national scale.

James Franco was gorgeous as always, and performed his classic "I'm adorable yet emo" thing well. Lucas Grabeel proved that Disney kids can act outside the Mouse Machine, and although I didn't remember his name until the end, but everybody's favorite Draco Malfoy model, Boyd Holbrook, was surprisingly good at not saying any lines except when marching with a couple thousand people down the street of San Francisco. I think my favorite, though, was Emile Hirsch. Or maybe Diego Luna, 'cause he's scary-good at portraying the psychotic, needy, clingy type.

They really tried to drive home the "Based on a true story!" thing, though. There must've been a good fifteen minutes of original footage from that era interspersed throughout the movie. It was pretty neat how they'd transition from original footage to film footage, but I think I'd have rather seen them cast an actor to portray Anita Bryant. Who was creepy, OMG. She had visible ellipses in her speeches, and her eyes were so freakin' shifty.

All in all, good movie.

Completely arbitrary film rating system [with stars!]: ★ ★ ★ ★ ½

the internet is for... you know, photoplay, politickin': gay rights

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