Jul 28, 2005 13:25
hiiiiiiiiii. it's my day off today. it's nice out. but do i feel like going outside? NOOooooo I do nottttt. I wannna go to the library. but will i? Prollllyyyyy noootttttt. that makes me saaaaaaaddddd. but i just wanna bum it. BUT I DON'T. I just feel like watching movies. but the movies i wanna watch, i dun got. nope. SAD. SAD IT MAKES ME. i wanna watch lotr hahahaha. i reserved them at the library. and they might have them at the library near me, but i owe them 15 dollars lmao. so i cant get mah movays today. maybe ill ondemand it up. i wanna read more harry potter. I AM ADDICTED TO HARRY POTTER NOW. I READ THE 4TH BOOK. I NEED TO READ THE 5TH ONE. NEEDNEEDNEED. NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED! Mmmhm. Ohh I just sneezed. Bless me. I made egg salad today. It was some good ass egg salad. Hellz yeah. I'ma make some chicken tonight. I like chicken. it makes me happy. HAHAHAHA one of the good patriots left! GO STEELERS! WOOOOOO! WE WILL KICK YO ASSSSSSSSSSSS! muwahahahaha. should i go watch a mooooovay? Should I go to the liiiiibrary? I can always go to the liiiiiiiibrary later...right now i wanna watch moooooooooovays. The library is open till 9. I can leave at 6 and get there and be cool. Going to the library on my day off. haha rock the dorkness. rock it out with yo cockit out. ahahaha. cocket. kinda like a rocket. COCKET MANNNNNNNNNNNNN YOUZA ROCKET MANNNNNNNNN. lalalaaaaaa i wish i had money to rent movies. MOVIES. I WANT TO RENT MOVIES. MOVIESMOVIESMOVIESSKJHSDFJHSDGHSGHFSGJHFSDGGHSGHJGH! k. ima go. i need some pop. i need to by some pop. ima take blla out to poop. hahah poop & pop. ahahaHJflknhsdfkjflksdfgiksjgksgj random lettersss dkfsjdfsdfj random letter funnn fun fun fun in the sun sun sun AHahåsfjjdf!