Your Sexual Power Animal is a Starfish!
Wild, kinky, and determined to spread it around.
Starfish can (and do) have intense orgies…
And from how you answered this quiz, you should too.
At the very least, consider videotaping your sex…
And then getting it on, with your doubles on screen.
What's Your Sexual Power Animal? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
You Will Have Sex With 16 People!
You'll have sex with those you care about
As well as those you hardly remember
Sex can be mild or wild for you
And it's more about the right time than the right person
How Many People Will You Have Sex With? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
You are
Lavender Cuffs!
You're submissive, but only because it gives you the power
You know that your subbie ways are sexy as hell...
And a ticket to getting what you want from your love
Plus, you just love the way a collar looks around your neck :-)
What Kind of Handcuffs Are You? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva Yeah thats all I will include.. haha.. Bad day was yesterday...Crying and whatnot.. It's cool, its over. Thank God. Can't wait for tomorrow to come. FRIDAY! whew. Much love.