Nov 20, 2005 12:34
Hey Guys,
So, things are more or less over with Shaggy whose real name is Jeremy, fyi. He had a get together yesterday, where there were just a lot of people hanging out and jamming on their guitars. We talked and joked around a little bit. My trusty roomate did some investigative work and talked to Jeremy. He said he thought I was a real sweet girl, but he was scared of corrupting me. How a mormon corrupts an agnostic, I don't know, but I think it's the whole fact that I'm a virgin and all (V Pride) and he's a very sexual guy. She also asked if he was pursuing anyone and he said no. So, I guess he didn't take our dates as seriously as I did. Then of course this morning I talked to my father about the whole situation. He said that I need to get over Jeremy and he is just trying to let me go easily. I think he's right.
After talking to my father I was kind of upset, but I was thinking about it and I'm totally fine. Yes, I have to get over Jeremy and it's going to be hard and it kind of hurts, because he is one of the greatest guys I've met and I really did like him, but this is part of life. No one goes through life without a little disapointment and a little pain. And unfortunately, this probably won't be the only time I feel like this, but it's ok. You got to take the bad with the good. I'm glad that I got to meet a great guy and that for a short period of time I got a little taste of what everyone is always talking about. Jeremy and I will probably still talk every now and then, which is great, I hope I can make a good friend. I'm just not going to get my hopes up for a relationship. Relationships are great and I hope to meet someone that I find just as amazing as Jeremy one day, but it just wasn't meant to be right now. There are a lot of other things I need to focus on. I've decided I want to go to Berkeley for grad school, so I really need to get good grades and there are a lot of humanitarian and volunteer organizations that I'm becoming a part of at school. And really, as long as I have my friends and I can laugh, I'm going to be fine.