Vox is closing down. I assume this is due to their unfriendliness to non-Voxers, terrible interface, and obnoxious desire to cover every surface of my blog with "VOX ROCKS YOUR DAMN FACE OFF AMIRITE". They have conveniently provided me with a way to export my existing content & vanish the blog without doing a lot of work. It's the best thing ever!
So, if you're reading at sparkling-robots.vox.com, please go to
http://sparklingrobots.livejournal.com. I'm setting up my own blog on a real, paid-for kind of site, so when that's ready, I'll let you know. But seriously, they're deleting this thing later this month, so hop to it! It's now or never!
http://sparklingrobots.livejournal.com is your key to happiness!