Apr 04, 2005 13:57
Anyway. I went to see National Treasure at the cheap movie theater yesterday. It was grand! And there are these candy straw things that my dad said I'm obsessed with. SKWINKLES. 8D THEY IS FRUITY. Well. The movie made me feel all... patriotic... cuz everyone was all like 'WTF?! DON"T LET THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE BLOW UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111' They rubbed lemons on it. XD Riley was funny.
'Riley... are you... crying?'
';_; *sniff* Look... stairs.'
OOH! And Saturday, my family went shopping. And Dad paid for... everything... which is... cool. AND I GOT A HUGE RED FMA SHIRT! *gleeplode* I have a new belt, and a new jacket-thing. I am currently a happy cabbage. AND on Spring break!