“It‘s a boy!”
“Oh, sweet Merlin, what is that?”
“It’s a cat, Blaise.”
The office fell almost completely silent as the remaining pictures of kittens fell onto the maple-wood desk. Harry felt the start of a headache begin to form and he instantly regretted asking what kinds of pictures Daphne had brought in today. He had fear, at first, that they would have been sultry pictures of the night the entire office had spent out for her birthday, after all she had disappeared for quite some time. Instead they had been pictures of the three new kittens she had bought just the other day. Blaise was disappointed.
As of that very moment Harry wanted to drop his head onto the desk and sleep. It was a Sunday and he had been awake since five that morning and no one had even bothered to tell him why, and he was sure that he wouldn’t like it. It didn’t do much to help that both Blaise and Daphne were huddled around him, wondering when they were going to find out what he was doing so early. They both worked weekends so it was a rare sight to see the raven haired man sitting at his desk with nothing in front of him. Harry was sure that there was a look of glee on Blaise’s face every time that he yawned.
Harry was just about to grab his coat and make a dash for the door when the Captain burst from his office and made a b-line for his desk. Daphne scooted closer, in case something interesting happened, and Blaise was careful to wrap an arm around her waist. They weren’t even his friends, really. His friends had gone off an got themselves married and were on their respective honeymoons. Now he was stuck with two Slytherin graduates at the Ministry of Magic and a partner who was MIA. Go figure he would have all the luck.
The Captain dropped a file on his desk with a grunt.
“Sightings of Malfoy in Spain,” he said gruffly. “Along with pesky sightings of some unfriendly like vampires.”
Harry grabbed the file and was quick to thumb through it as the Captain talked. “So, you want me to do what exactly, sir? The vampires or Malfoy-”
“Draco’s in Spain? Oh, lucky him! I’ve always wanted to go,” Daphne twittered aloud, causing the captain to throw her a sharp look her way. She snickered and twirled a strand of hair around her fingers.
Harry knew what it meant - what the captain meant, and he groaned aloud very ready to drop his head on the desk. And as he was enveloped in his thoughts he failed to hear the captain mention that he would be shipping out in the morning. Blaise and Daphne continue to quip in and out through the captains briefing, but he didn’t hear any of it. Why did he have to go find Malfoy? If the man had wanted to be found he would have held up a bright, flashing sign reading, ‘FIND ME’, written all over it.
And vampires, lets not forget the vampires. The thought of dead people walking around and drinking blood did not settle well with Harry for various reasons. One being they were dead and dead people are not supposed to get up and walk around. The thought made his eye twitch as he stared down at the folder. The captain had left back for his office and Harry picked the file back up and shoved it into his bag. He did not want to go to Spain - why couldn’t it have been some other place, closer to home? He would have taken France if he knew that it meant trying to find Malfoy (at least Malfoy spoke French and bothered to attempt to teach Harry some, the result was less than brilliant.) He wasn’t too sure how well he would fair in Spain.