Well I did end up going to Niagara Falls on Friday. We left around 1 and got there a little after 5 I believe. We stayed in the Embassy, very nice hotel! We went lookin around and then went and did a little shopping and went to dinner and came back and got ready for bed. Well they were all ready to go to bed at 11 and me of course not lol so I got dressed again and went down to watch the live music thing. The kid singin was really cute and I was just lovin sittin there watchin him play his acoustic guitar and singin and stuff. Well he took a break and came over and shook my hand and asked my name and thanked me for comin down. Then at 1 when it was over I was walking out and he was walking out too and I told him he was great and we shook hands again and he was like 'what was your name again' and I told him and he said his name but I dont remember now, I think it was Steve lol. And he asked if I was stayin in the hotel and told me to come see him again he plays every Friday and I said I doubt I can I dont come here often lol and his friend was like hey thanks! as I was walkin away and I was like you're welcome. And went up to our room and went to bed. So that was fun.
Then in the morning we got all dressed up and went downstairs for breakfast and ate and then walked around giving people information about Mary Kay and telling them how we were giving free facials and stuff like that from 12-3 I think it was and then make-overs from 5:30-8. Then we went upstairs and started setting up and stuff. 3 people came. One came with a girl and he was from England, total hottie and hot accent. Oh yeah I was enjoying that one! lol Then we went shopping some more...lots more interesting stuff in part 2!
Saturday morning in the breakfast area. Very nice view!
we set up to do Mary Kay in the room...unfortunately only 3 people showed up but it was fun.
At the Hershey store...it smelled so good in there!