Oct 16, 2006 01:26
so, update.
i'm a basket case. i go to the psychiatrist once a week. sometimes, i'm scared to leave my house. thinking about homework makes me anxious and freak out. it's a great time.
i just signed up for netflix tonite. 2 week free trial and then 1 movie at a time, unlimited. ten bucks. not bad.
i'm just having a hard time functioning lately. don't sleep well. have headaches. i make it to school and stuff, but doing that work is hard. i'm consistently 5 mins late to work. at least that's the easy part of my life.
other than going out with alyssa on friday nites, i just sit at home. i don't want to leave my room. it's my safe place. it's also my prison. i just don't know how to deal with the real world anymore. i need to get out there, but i guess i'm scared of it. plus, i just don't want to drive it. there's construction everywhere and it makes a long drive even longer, and more hellish.
i just feel broken. and sick.
i've been trying to clean up my room. i've started by going through my clothes. since i don't really want to get rid of anything, i'm putting what doesn't fit me into plastic tubs to put in the basement. it's most of my clothes. i've put on so much weight that almost everything doesn't fit me. it's disgusting. i've done both of my dressers and i need to do my closet. the one tub i got is basically full without the closet. awesome. guess i need to go buy some fatty clothes.
i guess that's it for now. i'll try to update more often and try to get positive.