Post Converstaion

Mar 10, 2005 21:02

Jäke says:

what did you do yesterday?

Victoria says:

i ate sushi until i couldnt eat anymore

Victoria says:

i took my friend Blob must have seen him in one of my posts

Victoria says:

cause he quit his job last week and was depressed the whole week

Jäke says:

i have never seen that journal

Jäke says:

well, i do enjoy sushi, so i conclude it was indeed a good day

Victoria says:

the price was not bad and the sushi was great...slash decent for 19.99 canadian, green tea included

Victoria says:

it was a great day

Victoria says:

just cold though...-26 with the wind (centigrade) -15 f

Victoria says:

how are things with you

Jäke says:

things are pretty good

Victoria says:

i am sure the sushi there is nothing compared to the one here...fresh wise anyways

Jäke says:

i'm working tonight down in sydney for a little theatre company.. just bartending. that's tonight and tomorrow night. but after work i'm going to catch up with one of my ex;s

Jäke says:


Jäke says:

the sushi here is awesome

Jäke says:

but i don't eat meat, so the ingredients tend to be always fresh

Victoria says:

how are sydney people in terms of tips

Jäke says:

lol we tip at restaurants.. if the service is genuinely good

Jäke says:

otherwise, no

Victoria says:

not at bars

Victoria says:

well i tip my hairdresser, the manicurist, the taxi driver, bars restaurants and coffee shops

Victoria says:

i think i covered them all

Jäke says:

bars people tip like mad

Jäke says:

my friend shawn goes out and gets balls-to-the-wall.. hands the girl a 20 for a drink that costs 7 and doesn't wait for change

Jäke says:

he's a nutter

Jäke says:

no way do we tip the hairdresser

Victoria says:

seems like it

Victoria says:

well i've known him for so long

Victoria says:

10 years or so

Jäke says:

even so

Jäke says:

it should be him giving you the discount if anything

Jäke says:

for being a loyal customer

Victoria says:

i guess it's an incentive for him to arrange my hair nicer the next time

Jäke says:

but does he?

Victoria says:

i was not shocked by the idea but i heard a big WHY in my head when i found out

Victoria says:

he's top notch

Jäke says:

then you pay him what he charges

Jäke says:

here it's more you get exactly what you pay for and that's that

Victoria says:

right...and i have to pay the girl who washed my hair, and the colorist

Victoria says:

but they are cheaper than most salons

Jäke says:


Jäke says:

i pay $24 to have my hair cut... that includes wash & massage

Jäke says:

the one girl does the whole job, but it doesn't matter if one girl washes and one cuts, i still pay the business 24

Victoria says:

i pay 50 to get it washed coloured and massaged

Victoria says:

let me convert

Victoria says:

50 canadian is 52.6339 AUD

1 CAD = 1.05268 AUD

Jäke says:

lol so the same

Victoria says:

just about

Victoria says:

i never asked why we tipped the hairdresser i guess it's just the way it is

Victoria says:

so you guys only tip bartenders and restaurants

Victoria says:

and what is the average tip...the average here is 15%

Jäke says:

whatever you feel neccessary

Jäke says:

if you're at dinner and the meal is 45 bucks, you might pay with a 50 and leave

Jäke says:

if it's 75, you might pay 80 and leave

Victoria says:

ahh that's convenient

Jäke says:

it could be as little as a dollar, 20c, it just depends on what is convenient

Victoria says:

i usually give what i paid in taxes...depending on the service

Jäke says:

well see here our tax is 10% on everything

Jäke says:

but that's included in the price

Victoria says:

it's 15% here

Jäke says:

if we go to a shop, the chips say $2, it means we pay $2 at the counter

Victoria says:

not here, when you buy a candy bar for a dollar you actually have to pay 1.15

Jäke says:

i know! i worked that out the embarassing way when i visited

Jäke says:

i had a bit of an argument with the check-out-chick

Jäke says:

til my friend pointed out that tax is added at the register

Victoria says:

only certain things have taxes like cigarettes, soft drinks, soap, hair products...except veggies, meat, milk eggs and so on

Victoria says:

they should add it at the price and that's another thing i never understood

Victoria says:

i learned that at 11 when i first went to the store and i knew the candy bar was a dollar and all i had was a dollar...the mean mister did not sell it to me cause i did not have enough

Jäke says:

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