Last Night

Feb 26, 2005 15:27

We celebrated a friend last night from liberation of three years of awful labor…or as he calls it “almost slavery”, and that’s putting it nicely.

Amanda came over to chit chat and to get an update on our lives. It seems that schedules and time are a constraint among friends but that is another topic altogether. Asides the “what’s new” and “what’s up” it was nice to see her and hang before the club. After a toast and a chug of cosmos, we left for the joint.

On the same “what’s new” topic, it’s funny how some unresolved issues can start a night with an awkward streak. When a friend says he totally despises a person and exclaims how much he has hatred for that person and you see that same person show up and not say a word and not even make eye contact, makes you wonder…

But that is his business and it did not stop me from having an amazing time none the less. From dancing on every podium, the behind of a glass, tables and up and down the two floors, it was exhilarating! The music was likeable but one thing I never grasp is: with all the great songs that came out through the years, why do disc jockeys still play crappy music?
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