Jump Festa Kishimoto Interview (2012)

Dec 18, 2011 20:23

Translation credits: takL, Chaelius
Source: Kishi Jump Festa Interview; CC2Twitter

From Chaelius - It's from the twitter of CC2, the Naruto UNS Generations developer, they had a booth at jump festa and that guy went to see the Naruto Stage.

*Questions are bolded*

Posted by Chaelius here at this post

Q: where would you change if you could go back
A: I d draw kakashi without his mask as now fans expectations got too high that whatever i draw some of them would get disappointed *laugh*

Q: when did you decide to make naruto and sasuke go different ninja way?
A: from the beginning.

Q: whats gonna happen to sasuke through next year?
A: Sasuke has a lot of episodes to tell. his appearance will be more frequent next year.

Q: which char do you want to play as on generations?
A: Sasuke.

too bad photos prohibited in stage area

unfortunately the questions were only from the actors.

now the stage is over. finally having lunch now... at 14:50
Posted by Lovely here
Source: Nana (confirmed through CC2 twitter)
Translation: mezzomarinaio at this here

Did a quick translation of this blog post because it looked interesting.

出演者は、岸本先生、竹内さん(ナルト)、井上さん(カカシ)、杉山さん(サスケ)、中村さん (サクラ)の 5名。 今年はカカシ班の4名が勢ぞろいです。

The performers were five, Kishimoto-sensei, Takeuchi-san (Naruto), Inoue-san (Kakashi), Sugiyama-san (Sasuke) and Nakamura-san (Sakura). This year it was a line-up of the four members of Team Kakashi.

昨年のステージは声優さんたちへの質疑応答が中心だったらしいので、今年もそうなのかな?と思 っていました が、今年は質疑応答以外に、なんと!原画生アフレコをして下さいましたー!

Since apparently last year's performance was centered around a session of question and answer towards the seiyuu, I wondered if this year would be the same - but this year, instead of a question and answer session, waah! They dubbed some original drafts!

スクリーンにナルトの名場面(ナルトとサスケの出会い、2人の対決、サスケとサクラの別れ、カ カシ班で弁当 をわけるシーンなど)が原画が映るのですが、それに合わせてセリフをその場で各声優さんがアフ レコして下さ るんです!!

On the screen came out some original pictures of Naruto's most famous scenes (Naruto and Sasuke's meeting, their showdown, Sasuke and Sakura's parting, the scene where they split the bentou between the members of Team Kakashi, and so on), and each seiyuu dubbed the lines that went with those scenes on the spot!

特にサスケ! 「千鳥!!」など、めっちゃ迫力がありましたよー!

It's not like I'm particularly interested in the seiyuu, but still - I went numb at the live dubbing!
Particularly Sasuke! "Chidori!!" and so on, it was so intense!

シーンごとにスモークをたいたり、電飾が変化したりとステージの見せ方にも趣向を凝らしてあり 、非常に見応 えがありました。

One by one the scenes were built up with smoke, the decorative illumination was changed and they thought up something clever for the way they showed the stage too... it was very impressive.


This is simply what I can remember of Kishimoto-sensei's interview:


"I regret putting a mask on Kakashi's face. When I draw, it's difficult to communicate his facial expression without being able to show his mouth."

竹内さんの「カカシの口を是非公開して下さーい」というお願い対しては、「それは約束はしませ ん」というよ うなことをおっしゃっていました。

But to Takeuchi-san's request of "Please, show us Kakashi's mouth without fail!", he said something like "I won't promise anything".

「来年は、カカシの過去を描きたいと思っています。でも2年前からそう言い続けながらずっと書 いていないん ですよねw」

"Next year, I want to write about Kakashi's past. But given that I've been saying that for two years running, I will probably continue not writing about it, eh?"


"Since the beginning, I wanted to write a story that would force Naruto and Sasuke, who were friends, to have a confrontation."


"I don't understand women's hearts, so I consulted with a coworker before writing the scene of Sasuke and Sakura's parting."


"Next year, I want to write about Sasuke too."


"Since we're headed towards the conclusion, I will be writing with all of my power."

ちょっとしたミニゲームがあったり、ロックリーの声優さんがVTRで登場したりと笑いあり、感 動ありのステ ージでした。

There was also a trifling mini-game, and Rock Lee's seiyuu made his entry on VTR. It was a funny and moving performance.

JUMPBANGに登場しているひかりごけ片山さんが登場し、最後は全員でロックリー体操をしたのですが、 普段はペンしか持たないという岸本先生が、ぜぃぜぃあえぎながら踊っていたのが印象的でしたw ww

Then Katayama-san, the luminous moss (Note: not sure about this part XD) that appeared in JUMPBANG, entered the stage - and in the end, all the participants did Rock Lee's physical exercises! But as always Kishimoto-sensei, who only ever carries a pen, kept hopping around while wheezing. It was very impressive! XD

岸本先生の印象は、若くて謙虚。 そして虚弱体質!?w

My impression of Kishimoto-sensei was of a young and modest man. Also with a weak constitution!?
He gave me the feeling of a kind man, with pleasant manners.

Translation by takL:

just my 2 cents
-'hikarigoke katayama' is a comedian who does the rock lee exercises in a tv show 'Sakiyomi JumBang' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN1C3HdMngU

"...this year besides Qs and As, thankfully they did looping with the key animation s live!"

"i think Im going to put my all to write (the manga) towards the conclusion(/to coclude it)."

It appears kakashis past will be dug next year for real.

correction: this year->the upcoming year

今年は第七班集結だからか、少年編・疾風伝の生アフレコがメイン。サスケ里抜けシーンの所、サ クラ役の千絵 さんの泣き演技がヤバかった。

= Maybe because this year the team 7 were assembled the main (topic) was about the fresh looping/additional dialogue recording for shonenhen(the part 1) and shippuden.
at sasuke's leaving the village,
sakuras voice actor, chie-san's performance was thrilling.


Images and Other Stuff:
- From right to left: Sakura, Sasuke, Kishi, Naruto, and Kakashi LineUp from takL

masashi kishimoto

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