action ][ video for everyone else!

Mar 07, 2011 01:16

[BEHOLD: a GREAT adventurer, carried around on a sofa pretty much miraculously supported by two very lazy mules. Our Illustrious Leader (here present) has clearly been handling a map held dutifully upside down and now he's pointing ridiculously!]

Ahooooooooy! Loyal minions! Random Followers! Token animaaaals! Childreeeeeeeen!

Daddy sees a rainbow! Unlike the last fifty-three times Oregon will be right behind this one, no doubt about it! Just carry my litter to it and please try to make less noise and keep to the shade, Daddy's skin is quite sensitive.

This is a sure-win, no questions about it. I'm telling you, they're the ones who took the wrong way! With your very own, endlessly wise, charming and humble guide manning the map and compass, how could we have done it? Why, I'm so sure of it, we're not even stopping for our regularly scheduled spa treatments until we make it!

[ ooc: the Sparklypire Express currently priding: jesusing, heliolatrous, nightfurying, wishgrant, fufufromouran and the lovely heldourfate! PLEASE JOIN IN ON THE FUN! Also, threadjack each other all you want, there is no privacy on a wagon :( ]
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