School is Out!

Jun 13, 2004 22:28

Wow! Ok school is finally out! I thought I would never ever be able to say that! In a way it's kinda sad, not really though. The last day was fun, no more Dailey or Riser! Well after school I went in Alyssa's limo which was fun then I went to Sarah's party for a while. It was fun except it was rainy and cold but what can you expect when you live in Boardman, Ohio? Well then Ron and his limo picked me up and then Emily, Danielle and I went back to Taylors. Omg we had the best time!!!!!!! The pranks to Kevin and Mike, the green jello powder, Emily and Danielle's water fight and all the other crazy things! Then Danielle's mother came and picked her up :( Then Emle, Tay and I went over To grengas in our pajamas and w. out make-up lol. Then we left cuz Taylor's mom called and was mad about something. Then we all got ready for Anthony's party. Emily scrunched my hair and it look so awesome! I loved it! Anthony's party was sooo much fun! I love his parties because every1 just hangs out and has fun. Well you do that at all parties but it doesnt matter what u wear or anything because no matter what at the end of the night you've hiked through the woods and you're a mess anyway. So then after that we walked back to Taylor's(the short way) cuz b4 on the way to Anthony's we took the long way through Cherry Hills and CJ had to pick us up and drive us to the party. LMAO Well then Emily was being crazy and wouldn't tell Taylor and I what happened to her at the party. Then finally she told Tay and I. : ) Then the next morning we got up and just hung around Taylor's house. Then my mom picked me up and I went home.
New Paragraph...ok so then this is Friday. Then at like 5:15ish Vic's dad came and picked me up and I went up to Hudson. Her dad's house is so beautiful! So we got there and just hung out. Allie, her lil sis, was so excited to see Victoria. She followed us everywhere and I swear couldn't stop talking LOL! Then Saturday Vic and I got up and attempted to go to the pool. Her development has it's own lil pool and stuff. Well the pool isnt lil and i'm not sure why I said that but w.e. So then it was too cold(how sad that I am saying this in June) so we went back to her house and put on sweat pants and hoodies and watched movies and listened to music all day. Then after Allie went to bed her step mom and her dad went to a party. So we talked to Mary for a while. Mary is this artist who makes these awesome sculptures and she is staying with Vic's dad and Barbie, her step mom. She was really nice. Then Vic and I just hung out. Then today we slept in until noon. Then her dad came in and told us that their family was coming in an hour. It was Allie's birthday so they were having a party. So we jumped out of bed and each took showers and got ready and were actually on time. IT was fun.
It was fun until Emily told me that she's moving in 2 weeks. Ok so it took me probaby 2 minutes to fingure out that I was actually hearing this and I wasn't imagining it. Then came the tears. I pushed Victoria out of the chair and started talk to Emle on AIM. And to this moment I don't think I have completely considered that in 2 weeks one of my best friends is going to be leaving. And I dont know what I'm going to do with out her. Like how do you even begin to think that in 2 weeks I might not see my best friend for a long long time. Ahhhhhhhhh this can't be happening! Ok well this is depressing. I'm tired of typing so I guess this is it...
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