(no subject)

Mar 16, 2005 20:51

well... my cat died. my brother found her out in the garage.. i didn't believe him adn made the mistake of going to look for myself. there is nothing worser than staring death straight in the eyes.. her eyes were open.. it looked like she was hurting.. and i cried.. i cried a lot... i don't really know why.. this cat has been with me since I was about 1 year old..i knew she had to die sometime.. i think it was just a bad time for it.. Dustin has been trying to help me get a kitten for months now.. maybe now would be a good time.. but i don't want to replace cat with kitten.. that seems just.. wrong.. im going to miss my furry lil compadre..there's nothing better than talking to you cat about problems.. they cuddle with you.. and my cat used to know when something was wrong.. and she would come lick my face and tears..

i'll put a pic up once i find it
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