(no subject)

Jun 09, 2004 13:50

Well, this is it guys... Tomorrows my last day.. So far i haven't really heard from anyone.. If no one stops by to say bye, i understand..and if you do, i'll be home all day thursday.. Hopefully you guys do..I'll miss you all.

Ryan,talia,jen,laurie,brittany,becky,dan,ryan,chelsee,danielle,our whole lunch table, everyone! very much! :(

*Laurie, Im glad you made it safely*

My phone is getting shut off tomorrow, so im buying minutes for my cell -631-8146 *I'll have it on during the trip too, so if you wanna call, feel free too

This is my last entry for awhile, unless i get time tonight..so if i dont hear from anyone, Goodluck, And goodbye :(

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