Aug 05, 2003 21:42
so i like how you think you come out better off in this situation.... pff have fun with your freshman. makes me laugh. how lammmeeee. oh well im done with that. im done with you. the end.
yeah so i rode a plane. haha. took a flight to albequerqe and then to pheonix.. such pretty mountains.. i have never understood the phrase "purple mountains majesty" until i saw the mountains in pheonix.. because the are purple, and it's cool. yeah and the cool part is i was like the last one to get on the second pane.. so i 'had" to sit next to all these hottties from cali. haha, it was tight. like they were on their way back from backpacking in newmexico.. so i chilled with them, and yeah. such cuties. then i got to see my brother.. and i loved it.. becuase me and him are like 100% alike.. he's like the boy version of me. haha. it's cool. and baby cam, and sheridyn are sooo cute.. even though cam like bruised me by whackin me with a pirate sowrd.. but it's okay. haha. but ima go night night with my babys. tata