Jul 07, 2006 20:14

JUNE 19-24

This was the best camp I have ever been to in my entire life! Ofcourse, I can't give you all the details, because by that time you'll probably be asleep but whatever. Anyway, I got really closer to God, which makes me happy. I also made new friends, and got much MUCH closer to some of them. which also makes me happy. I shared a room with Kaylin, Stephanie, and Justine, and you don't even know how much fun it was and how much I love these girls. We could not stop laughing. and then there were this girls in the dorm across from us that we had to share a shower with(ugh), and we know that they didn't like us very much, so we had fun making them not like us even MORE. oops. haha. anyway, but one of the girls from that "side" we shall say, wasn't too fond of them either, so we met her. Her name is Angel(cool huh?) and she joined forces with us and traded to our side. I know I know I'm making this all Star Warsy but whatever. lol. we all became good friends. so everyday at camp there was a schedule. we got up, ate breakfast, went to morning session, D-Groups, Quiet time, then lunch, then either electives or another session, then free time, then dinner, then the night session. that's what it was like everyday.The night sessions were the best no questions asked, they were like a huge concert and all of us danced our butts day during free time I went rock climbing with Justine and I made it all the way to the top I was so proud of myslef because I usually never get to the top cause I'm a woose. sometimes. anyway, camp was full of good times. For example, one night in the dorms when we were all up talking, I made up Lion King names for us just cause I felt like it. So, Kaylin was Timon, I was Pumba, Steph was Zazu, and Justine was Rafeeki, (you know the guy who hits everybody on the head with that stick?)it was fun. anyway, the boy dorms were across from OUR window, and it just so happened that my stupid bro kept us up all night with his cackling while playing poker. and he says I'M loud.ANYWAY, so it was time to leave, and while on the way back on the bus, me and Kay bought tons and ton of junk food.
which got us all hyped up it was fun. I'll remember this camp forever.


ok now THIS was fun. Notice how I left for this vacation the DAY AFTER I got back from camp. crazy. but we drove to Ohio first. The drive wasn't as bad this time. we went to cedar point again!!!!!thats one of my favorite places in the world. I think we are going to start going every summer....maybe even living there in the summer and I can get a job in Ohio and hang out at Lake Erie everyday!that'd be sweet.ANYWAY,I FINALLY went on some of the bigger rollercoasters because Mark dragged me on them, which I know thank him for. I mean Elitches is NOTHING compared to these rollercoasters, it was sooooo much fun. On one of them, I almost lost my retainer and couldn't open my mouth to scream or else it would've come flying out. it made me sad. I like screaming on rollercoasters.anyway, at one point me and my parentals went to swim in the lake(which is RIGHT by Cedar Point) while Mark was waiting in line for the Dragster. I LOVE THE LAKE. Swimming in it felt SOOOOOO good and it was fun too.then I went on more rollercoasters, and then me and my parentals went to see the lazer light show while mark was still waiting in line, well actually waiting for it to get fixed. then when the show was over, and it was like 10 at night and the park was supposed to be closed we wached mark go on the dragster and his face was soo funny when it took off. he was in the front though. I dont blame him. wouldnt you be scared going on a coaster that goes from 0 -120 miles per hour in like a second? and then shoots 420 feet into the air, and the comes straight back down? I would. mark could NOT get me to go on that one.anyway, the day was over and I was sad because I love Cedar Point. The next day we took a fairy to Put-In_bay( an island on Lak Erie) and went shopping! woot wot! We got to drive a golf Cart all around the island, I LOVE THAT ISLAND.Mom kept calling it Put Out Bay. weirdo.ON the way back, there was a storm, and the boat kept rowing back and forth like crazy. I almost barfed.anyway, then we drove to Aunt Marie ad Uncle Ronnie's. I love them! We Went shopping with them, and fed the squirell's and birds in their backyard. and then it was time to drive to Georgia. This vacation was going by too fast. Anyway, Georgia was pretty fun too. We got there before dinner, and we went to Uncle Clark's and Aunt Snady's house, and it was pretty. then my cousin Michale came over and we all had dinner. I got to see my baby girl doggy Sheba again! Me and her are tight. lol. anyway, the next day we went out on the boat which was awesome. We went swimming in the lake, I got to see my other cousins, And I went innertubing! I did a 360 becase the rope got caught in the wake and the tube turned all the way backwards, and then uncle Clark started going again, and it spun around so fast! I fell off, ofcourse. but it was soooo fun!anyway, then the next day we went to the mall. I was hoping to get my belly button peirced there, but that dind't work out too well, I geusss i'll just get it in Co. anyway, I bought some new clothes. and then we went to see Michaels house. the next day was 4th of july and I got to see my old friends who moved away, again! because they live down there, and they came it was awesome. the fireworks were cool too! We got to see them from the boat on the lake. Anyway, on the way back on the boat from fireworks, there was another storm but I slept through it, I went to sleep on Michael's knee.hmmmmmmmm. lol anyway then the next day we left earlier than planned because stuff happened that I need to tell Sarah and Emily

So that was my vacation it was much more fun than how you read it though. I cant wait til Em comes! that'll be another vaction!
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