Cloud Has Lifted

Aug 19, 2011 14:42

My dark cloud has lifted and I'm feeling better. I'm not so low anymore. I'm not sure why but whatever! I'm just glad that I feel better. For one, I feel like I am actually making headway in life again.

Reasons why I think things are going better for me:

1. Evan hasn't been making anymore gigantic messes here lately,
2. I'm working less so even though that means that I won't be making barely any money I am home more.
3. The boys have started school and I am able to conquer the mess while they are away.
4. Even though my house is still not 100% spotless, I am at least making headway on a daily basis!
5. Luke has helped me with the house.
6. My family is helping me with money and bills.
7. My family and Luke's family helped me with some of the back to school clothes expenses.
8. My ex is bothering me less.

So needless to say, I'm feeling much much better!!!!!!!

The boys did start back to school the 17th and so far they are loving it! :) Their old elementary building got shut down and this year all 13 grades are in the same building. It's an adjustment, that's for sure! The old elementary was wonderful but it was a very old building and it has foundation problems as well as a mold problem and it cost too much to try and maintain the elementary building and the jr high/HS building, so the school combined the two buildings. Not to mention that the class size has dropped quite a bit, especially in the HS. :( The classrooms are smaller than the old elementary but if we want to keep our school, this is what we are going to have to deal with.

Christian is in the 4th grade, Logan is in the 2nd grade and Kayden is in the 1st grade. Because it is such a small school some of the classes are combined and are in one room and have one teacher. 1st and 2nd are together, 3rd and 4th are together and 5th and 6th are together. Both Logan and Christian have the same teacher as they did last year, which they are happy about as both really like their teacher. :) The interesting thing is that this year (and every other year) Logan and Kayden are in the same class. I'm very curious as to how that will work out! Logan tends to be bossy to Kayden and he also sometimes teases Kayden to get him flustered. For example: Logan has been known to go out of his way to walk right by Kayden and then "accidently" bump into him. *eye roll* BUT in school Logan is on his best behaviour and all the teachers love him! So we'll see what happens! I hope that he treats Kayden better and they get to be better friends.

I got my schedule from work for next week and I just work 2 days. One 6 hour day and one 8 1/2 hour day. Ha! They are really trying to get rid of me or there really aren't any hours. Regardless, I have to look at the positive and think that even though I'm not going to be making that much money it opens up a lot of days to subsititute as well as all the time I'm going to get to spend with Evan AND be home for the boys! :)

OH yeah, forgot to mention that I got my first subbing job of the school year!!! I'll be subbing Tues! Which is the 2nd day of school for that school district!! I am SO stoked!!!! :D

evan, subbing, luke, kayden, sadness, school, christian, family, logan

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