Jul 10, 2007 14:16
note 1: sometimes I wish you'd just take a step out of your shoes and into mine and realize things. I don't think you see how much I care. For once I wish you could understand why I am the way I am with things. I know you say you know we fight mostly because your screw up and create our problems, but why don't you try to fix them? I don't like that you hang around with her. I don't usually get jealous but this I am I admit it. I also hate that your life revolves around what it does. All I ask is for a little appreciation and affection. I'm not asking you to change I won't ever change a person that's not my choice I will like you for who you are and if its such a problem then I won't like you. Its becoming a problem and slowly having an effect on this relationship. Don't be surprised to find home empty if things stay the way they are.
note 2: I'm glad things have worked out these past few weeks. I'm glad we each talked everything out. I missed having people close to me. I missed being a part of eachothers lives. You two are my stronghold and keep me sane. Keep me afloat and give me strenght. I always said I'd never leave you; and you always said you'd never leave me; we never left; we just did our own things for a while and there isn't anything wrong with that.
note 3: I can't wait to get out of this place. Only 23 days left until I'm out of this drama consuming greedy run place. The end is in reach and I can't wait.
note 4: day 1 has thus far gone well. I must keep it up. Determination and motivation are key. I can't fail.