Aug 20, 2010 18:52
Yay I'm gonna make this a public posts so it x-posts to FB :D
Just got back from a magical adventure with Kevin and his family :3 On the 18th I woke up far earlier than anybody should ever have to wake up (5:50) because I had a nightmare. It was about True Blood which I was just watching the night before... except I have no idea what True Blood is about O_o there was just a scary vampire in my dream. Actually, I am pretty sure I was a vampire too, but he could still kill me D: It was vitally important that I cut the hem off of his t-shirt and hide it in the snow in the yard of the house across the street from our house (in America). T-shirts are serious business
Then I got up around 6:10 when my grandpa came home, had a slice of bread, and went to Taipei Main Station to meet up with Kevin + fam. We had McDonald for breakfast. McDonald has milk tea. It is so good @___@
We took the HSR to Hua Lien/花蓮 and went to a hotel thing and spent a lot longer than we probably should have playing in the kid's section of the basement. The employee who operated the elevator just kind of looked at us... 19-20 year olds + a mom, playing with kid's toys. Hey, they had some pretty intense toys! Required some skills
Then we went on a tour thing in a mountain. Actually, I slept most of the time on the tour van... haha! I really wish I had had a camera though... I really like going on mountain exploring adventures, but to be honest I remember very very little of the adventures :( It is very pretty in the mountains and makes me want to live there!!!
There was a place that sold souvenirs (well there were a bunch, but I'm talking about one) that had a little pet pig!!! It was SO cute! And tried to eat EVERYTHING! She actually broke one of the ribbons on my shoe because she bit it too much :( But I want a pet pig now...
It started raining for the last half of the trip, but stopped when we got back to the hotel, so we went to the night market! As we were walking, I realized that it was the same place that we went with Love Boat! We passed the rice wine/小米酒 place where there had been samples (coughKing'sCupcough), Pizza Cut Five where Sean and Mike got US$30 T-shirts, the tea stand where Alice and I got bubble tea and I got the special Panda bubble tea because the ad was so cute but it tasted exactly the same, and the shopping area where Jenny went crazy! Also where Dan and I saw "Killer Style" XD
We went out to eat food stuffs. There was a bunch of weird stuff like "Cafe Mud" where we tried the Mud Coffee (is actually pretty good) for NT$100 and stuffed boba on ice and stuff (there was mostly mung bean and some other beans I think?) with caramel. Yea, wish I had a camera
Anyway, the room we stayed in (me, Kevin, and his sister) was Winnie the Pooh themed! It was so cute!! I took a bath there :D There was a real, deep bathtub that took forever to fill. I love baths. Last time I took a bath (in a crappy shallow tub) was at Kakkoi|Con 08, and it was not nearly as fun!
Then we got up and had breakfast and then were off on another mountain-exploring adventure! We passed by Middle Earth (AKA the building/bridge/waterfall place that Emilie said looked like a scene in Lord of the Rings) and actually did some mountain climbing. There was a lot of walking on this day! It was pretty though :) We also actually got to visit Middle Earth and wash our hands/faces in the mountain spring water. Very nice!
After a tiring but fun and pretty day (no rain yay!) we headed to a Mondrian-esque hotel called Chateau de Chine! It was all fancy and stuff and had cute cakes at the buffet :3 It also had a lounge bar that we went to at night (just had juice!) to celebrate Kevin and his dad's birthdays! It was his dad's Gregorian birthday and Kevin's Lunar birthday ^u^ we had a brownie. Yum :D
This morning we all got up for... BREAKFAST BUFFET! I love breakfast ♥.♥ then took the HSR back to Taipei where we ate at Breeze in the Main Station (where we had Love Boat reunion!) and then I came home ^u^v Tuesday is my registration day!! Yay!