Feb 02, 2006 13:56
It's a damn good thing that I have an appointment to go see a therapist about my anxiety problems in about an hour.. this has been the worst day ever. I was basically asked to resign at work today, which I did. I was planning on quitting within the next month anyway, but after my DM found my resume online, she basically said that I needed to go now. Part of me is okay with this. I'm kinda happy about it in some ways, but I don't have anything else lined up right now. I have a few interviews coming up, but still.. I'm freaking out a bit about not having another job soon. I still have rent and other bills to pay. And because of it, I may not be able to go to London as planned. I hated that job, though. So I guess it works out. But I'm still incredibly stressful.
Top this with everything that's happened with Jason over the last few weeks and being torn up and heartbroken over that, my parents trying to get custody of my niece and nephew because their mother doesn't even take care of them, all the legal problems with my brother, anxiety about moving in March.. and then I found out today that my grandpa has lung cancer. I swear to god I'm going to have a nervous breakdown. I honestly have never felt this bad in my life. And it seems like it just keeps getting worse.
I believe this is what's called the quarter-life crisis. I can see why.