Whoa there

Jun 19, 2007 20:44

A post.

Not sure why I feel compelled to post, but I do. Mostly because I have the time now.

This has, without a doubt, been the craziest, busiest, most stressful, but at the same time greatest year of my life. I can't believe everything that has happened, and how much I have grown from it.

I started out my term as Region Consultant absolutely terrified. I had no idea that so many people would be counting on me, and I felt a lot of pressure to succeed, mostly because of the amazing consultants that came before me. I can honestly say I've never worked harder, or had more fun in my life. It really makes me sad that it's all over, because I know I'll never have another job like this. Don't get me wrong, I'm really excited to become a Speech Pathologist, and can't wait to go back to school, but I won't ever have a job where I adore everyone I work with, and where I get to see so many cool places. I met so many amazing people this year, some of whom are friends for life. The best part of it all is that for the most part, I feel like I made a difference. Although it's not one of the more "glamorous" parts of the job, reading all of the nice things people said about me in their Form 110 Reports was amazing. I'm glad that I, in some way was able to improve their respective chapters.

Another thing that has changed for me is that I am dating the most amazing guy ever. Seriously, Steve was the last person I expected to get involved with. On the surface, it doesn't seem like we have a lot in common, but I'm so happy with how our relationship has grown over the past year and a half, and I can't wait to see what the future holds. He's coming in on Saturday for Josh and Theresa's wedding, and I can't wait to see him! It's been almost 3 and a half weeks. (We try to go no more than two weeks of being apart)

I've become a lot more independent this year too. I had never traveled by myself before getting on that plane to go to training in Lancaster. Now, I can list my favorite and least favorite airports and interstates in the country. (I-59 in Mississippi/Alabama...no fun). With all of the new places and things I've experienced this year, it really gave me a sense of appreciation of "home". There's really no place like Florida. I love living here, and I'm going to miss it more than I ever thought I would.

I'm moving to Louisiana on Sunday. Steve took half of my stuff out there when he came and visited the last time, and I've got the other half packed in my car. His neighbors are getting rid of their bed, so they gave it to me, and it's sitting in Steve's parent's house, waiting for me. I'm living with one of the Brothers from the LSU Phi Sigma Pi chapter, and we're looking for a place right now. A few have fallen through, but it's a big city, so I'm sure we'll find something.

I'm starting to freak out because I don't have a job yet. The good thing is that I feel like I gained quite a bit of experience being an RC that will be useful in many different areas. And I'd like to think I'm pretty friendly. Hopefully this will come sooner than later.

Open invite to all my Gators who want to come visit during Florida/LSU weekend. It's October 6th, and the trash talking has already begun. I'd be happy to offer my soon to be apartment to anyone who wants to make the roadtrip (It's only about 7 hours from G-ville). I'm really excited to get out there and start a new chapter.

I guess that's about it for now. Everyone better come visit, especially all you PSP'ers for National Convention in New Orleans! It's gonna rock everyone's face off! :)

Later gang.
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