Apr 27, 2006 20:59

I was tagged by Caddy:

So, the rules are, once you've been tagged you have to write a blog
with 6 weird things/habits about yourself. In the end, you need to list
6 other people to tag and list their names...

1. I have a flip-flop and underwear fetish. Dont take me anywhere near Victoria Secret or a shoe store, or ill go nuts!
2. I chew like a rabbit.
3. I worry way too much, and on top of that I care way too much
4. I dont eat red meat (for those of you confused - thats any cow product, besides milk)
5. When I get nervous/real worried, I bit the insdie of my lip or pick at my fingers.
6. I shave.

I tag: Faye_Aiken (faye), taylorelf (taylor), swtnitemares11 (jamie), rororocksyou (rochelle), quack4bananas (maggie), and emily2jean (emily)
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