So Utah, though I'm sure you all already know it, is a state full of fucking morons. [] They want to start searching crime scenes for pornography, because the police of the state are trying to make a connection (that they're so sure exists) between criminal acts and possession of pornography. Jesus, watching people fuck doesn't make me want to kill people, Utah makes me want to kill people. My mom got a Kerry/Edwards sign and put it in our yard and, even though we live in a development and hardly anyone is going to see it, that made me happy. I talked Josh's little brother into telling his dad that he should vote for Kerry. :) Hehe. Dammit, I really should get the pictures from last weekend developed, but I've been working every night since Thursday. Tomorrow I'll have free time, I can do it then. I wonder how much less it costs to send them out from WalMart or something instead of doing One-Hour Photo at CVS. Oh...sorry. The little kitten, Pepe, is doing SO WELL!! He comes out of my parents' room now and plays with Lilli, Rena still doesn't like him very much, but Lilli realized that she could kick his ass and won't stop playing with him now. He likes to run across the room and jump up and stick to the back of the couch. He has scary little razor kitten claws and is tearing up the whole's so cute.