so i got the brand new carb from Holley. i'm trying to sell it online. best offer so far is $100 less than what Holley charges for the thing. and i get that, i mean, i wouldn't have paid full price for the Truck Avenger if i didn't have to be somewhere the next morning... but i'm trying to offset that expense to the best of my ability, and once again feeling like my ineptitude as a salesman with regard to this individual item perhaps bodes ill of my grand aspirations towards entrepreneurship in the long run.
case in point, this entry is syndicated on the blog linked-to by many of the ads i posted. terrible marketing strategy. but i'm not into bullshit.
in more interesting news, my book scanner was in an art show that opened last night. i was listed as an artist on the posters and everything. you should have been there, it was pretty sweet. i met a bunch of cool people and got to watch kids figure out how to scan books all by themselves and finally get some much-needed validation viz. this huge project i've spent the last few months on.
also got to play with other people's projects, which was really inspiring. there's a video game you can't lose and a robotic narwhal you can ride and a bunch of other cool shit. i also liked that most of the works were not only kinetic, but interactive. i think this coming year is going to be really fun, and productive- once i stop being super-freaked out about work all the time, i might actually get down to the serious business of manufacturing whimsy on a regular basis, which is the whole reason i moved into a workshop in the first place.