Isaac!!! He finally arrived!!

Aug 15, 2006 01:15

Here are pictures from the last few days

Just getting to the hospital, still feeling good. I was dialted to three and havign contractions every 10 min or so, so the dr admitted me and started me on inducing drugs.

Im getting pretty miserable by here.......

after 26 hours of labor, 2 hours of pushing, epideral going empty, emegency c-section Isaac was here.... this is his first picture
8 lbs 3 oz, 21 1/2 inches long, born at 6:06 pm on the 9th of aug

Hes just like his dad...came out hungry!

He had to be in oxygen for a while to make sure he had all the junk out his lungs.... i still havent really seen him

about 10:30 or so Jeff and I finally get to hold him

now hes a few days old...
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