La escuela

Jan 17, 2006 22:40

Okay so work felt like it lasted only an hour as opposed to four. It was a ZOO!!! At one point I looked at the phone queue and there were literally 12 calls waiting. And I'm not exagerating now!!! Yeesh. Then I stayed till 1:15 helping two confused GED/ESL customers, but they were nice. Confusing, but nice.

Then came time for classes... Sociology isn't that exciting, and according to Brian that teacher mostly does overhead notes etc. *shrug* Oh well, hopefully it'll be an easy A. Then came Speech... GOOD LORD, not only did I finally learn how to pronounce the infamous speech teacher, Pat Sciarra's last name (shy-rah), but OMG he's like Arlo Guthrie and Taylor Hanson's love child!!! He's about as tall as me, long scraggly blond hair and a goatee, but he was wearing a nice grey suit and these weird cowboy boots with a bit of a heel. He seems like he might end up being a hardass, but at least he's interesting. My Spanish teacher now... he's a combination of the head of WN's advising department (Mr. Beemer xP) and Ben Stein. And he talks mostly in English, big change from my last language class (French, where you'd get yelled at if you spoke English xP). So far things look good, let's hope they stay that way. =)

I can't believe it's my last semester here. NCC's gonna be a HUGE change next year. For one thing, I'll have to re-learn an even bigger campus, and from what I could tell no buildings were connected. I can get from the SRC, to the IC, to the AC, to the PEB, and back to the SRC without ever having to go outside.

And then comes the big question--what happens after I finish at NCC? Admissions specialist??? God, I hope not. However, that might be fun... *shrug* I dunno. Rumor has it, they make about $40/hr. Hell, I could probably do that now...

Anyways, I'm done ranting. Hasta luego, amigos.
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