my favorite quiz

Sep 26, 2005 17:43

Name 20 people you know

1 kadie
2 jenni
3 david
4 christy
5 mandy
6 israel
7 spencer
8 gladys
9 mandi
10 jason
11 kevin
12 jason
13 dino
14 stephanie
15 tirrell
16 anna
17 jb
18 lauren
19 jenna
20 drew

Who is #8 going out with?: no one
Is #9 a boy or a girl?: a girl
Would #11 and #2 date? no i dont think so
How about #18 and #4? nope lol
What grade is #17 in?: sophoore in college
When was the last time you talked to #12?: umm actually its been a while a good 3 weeks i think
What is #6's favorite band?: well i know one of them is The Mars Volta
Does #1 have any siblings?: yes a brother and a sister
Would you ever date #3?: nope lol hes my sisters bf
Would you ever date #5?: lol well love her but no
Is #16 single?: i believe so
What's #15's last name?: coleman i think
What's #5's middle name?: i have no idea
What's #10's fantasy?: hmm.. prob a lot of things lol
Would #14 and #19 make a good couple? actually about that..
What school does #20 go to?: UWM
And #1: gateway
Tell me a random fact about #11: he likes legos
Have you ever had a crush on #13?: wow umm well maybe kinda sorta
Where does #9 live?: she lives in chicago but is from texas
Do #3's parents like you? umm well i think his mom does for the most part.
Do you think you will know #11 forever?: yes, yes i do.
What about #20? well i think ill kno kadie forever and they are cousins so maybe
What's #4's favorite color?: i dont know maybe red
Would you makeout with #10?: i have
Would you makeout with #20?: yes i would
Would you makeout with #1?: well if she wasnt a girl then yes
Have you ever slept over at #7's house?: nope but hes slept at my house!!
Are #5 & #6 best friends?: well they are good friends
Does #7 like #18?: umm he doesnt know her and im glad b/c shes hotter than me lol
Does #8 like #19?: they have never met
How did you meet #4?: well her and mandy use to party at israels and then they came in to fridays once and i bought them desert and weve been good friends ever since!
How did you meet #7?: i met him a week ago at christy and mandys and we started talking then started kissing and then well we have a good time together, he likes country music
How did you meet #15?: he works at fridays with me and him and i are getting married as soon as stephanie will let us.
Does #10 have any pets?: no he does not
Is #12 older than you?: actually hes younger than me
Do you think of #13 as a brother/sister?: not at all
Have you ever given #13 a kiss:no yet lol
Is #17 the sexiest person alive?: damn close.
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