Haven't updated in SUCH a long time, I keep forgetting. I bought Mr and Mrs Smith today, GREAT movie. I forgot how hot Brad and Angelina were in it. I got my exam schedule, I have four and their relatively close together. For Children's Lit, I still have three books to read: The Chronicles of Narnia, The Hobbit and Treasure Island. Meh the class is decent, the books are a tad boring.
New Lost tonight! And new one before hiatus happens. I'm pretty hyped, we finally find out what Kate did. Should be interesting.
Soap thoughts under the cut:
AMC: OMG goodbye Rebecca! I can't stress ENOUGH how pissed I am that this girl's exit sucked. I'm sorry, but where the hell was her montage? Bianca got one, why didn't Greens? I wanted to see Leo damnit! I've lost all sympathy for Kendall. I can't stand her, only with Zach (which finally seems to be happy). I hate Ryan...overall AMC is not the greatest. Love JR and Babe though.
ATWT: Jennifer will get her baby back by X-mas! Finally, I've been kinda sick of this story. And Meg must go.
GH: Laura Wright is NOT doing a good job as Carly IMO. I'm not feeling her, she's way too soft for this role. And she looks really weird next to Maurice, I can't see it working. She looks a lot like Courteney too. Speaking of, glad Alicia is leaving. I never liked Courteney, thought she was a total waste. But apparently she will be recast.
Y&R: I really really do not want Brad and Sharon to have sex. You know they will, Sharon jumps the bones of every guy who ends up looking her way, but I really like Brad and Victoria. I think they work really well. Y&R isn't too exciting though, is anyone else a little tired of Sheila?