Sep 21, 2005 00:35
Today was an especially good day:
1) The Box Spring from Hell finally got picked up by the City of Tampa.
2) I found a home for my kitties...I'm bringing them to my co-worker's house tomorrow before work to see if they would be happy there.
3) Another fun-filled and informative day in training. I learn more and more about student loans every day...I should really be paying them for all of this info and training, instead of the other way around.
4) I'm still working out routinely and seeing results, although today I had red meat for two meals, so I should probably concentrate on the veggies and fish/poultry tomorrow.
5) I got a lot accomplished today. For some sick reason, I work much better under pressure, so having a job really makes me get organized with my chores and social time. I'm gonna be superwoman once I get back into school on top of work.
And finally, although I don't know that this is really a good thing, I realized this evening that I haven't had a drop of alcohol since Saturday night, and haven't even missed it. What the...?