Apr 22, 2007 16:09
OK, so the we got a bit of a shock at the Cryer gig on Friday, it was completely sold out on the door. I figured it would be like the last couple of gigs I had been to there, with not enough people to make a decent 15-year-old Wall Of Death but it seems that a whole new generation of mini-moshers has sprung up out of nowhere. And I must say I'm quite relieved about it too.
We were on first (baaad luck) but I think we got the crowd warmed up pretty well! When we got up on the stage, I expected Donna or Alice to start interacting with the crowd but nothing happened...so I ended up improvising and can't even remember what I said. I just know that I said "awesome" too much. I think the set went really well and nobody noticed when we screwed up a bit (apart from Alex but he's just picky - YOU try singing and playing drums at the same time!! :P) The band stayed together really well even when I decided to cut the Ramones song in half without telling them. Haha.
It was weird because only four of my friends (Lee, Alex, Anna and Jack) and my Dad came to see me, please note now that I am not in the least bit annoyed or angry at anyone for not coming, you don't even need to bother apologising :) it was just strange that I was basically playing in front of complete strangers, the only friendly face I could see was Lee (or "The Big Skanking Goth" as i referred to him as when I was trying to teach the crowd to skank - 15 year olds need EDUCATING in the ways of dancing) and occassionally Alex. Still, it's what I need to get used to, I'm not always going to be doing gigs with a line of my friends in the front row.
Alex, Anna and I stuck around untill the last band were playing, we mostly hung around backstage whilst I chatted to all the other bands - making connections is pretty important I reckon. I messaged them all on Myspace when I got home too and they've all replied and in the long run this should probably help us get more shows! Anyway, it's put me in a pretty good mood for the weekend and hopefully this coming week. Oh yes, Alice and I went to out Reading Steward training yesterday up in London which was pretty good (after we had finished getting lost in Soho) and I now know how to put people into the recovery position and the like, so it's OK to pass out when I'm around :)