Dec 20, 2005 14:12
I just had this weird dream. I was sent to live on a spaceship, because I was rebelling and doing bad things or something along those lines. The pilot looks like the dad from the lost in space movie. Doesn't John Duffy or another one of Lee's friends know him? Anyway, I had a sister figure or something. She was a girl none the less. She gets really pissed off at me because she finds out that I've been getting drunk on the ship, sleeping till 4 in the afternoon and other shit. We have this weird little confrontation as she is really pissed at me. She doesn't help me with my space harness, that freaking bitch. Basically I turn into space Reed. We get into so intergalactic trouble, someones trying to intercept us. So we crash land on some planet. I don't think it was earth? We sort of plummet and burn up in the atmosphere, but our ship is strong so we end up landing. We are intercepted by some sort of ridiculous robot tank thing thats shooting the hell out of our ship. I didn't get to finish the dream because my effing brother woke me up. Yet I can only assume that we esplode.