fanfic100 challenge! 093. Thanksgiving

Nov 29, 2008 01:30

Title: Naivety
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Characters: Xigbar, Demyx, Pocahontas
Prompt: 093. Thanksgiving
Word Count: 555
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Kingdom Hearts is, most obviously, owned by big name companies and not by a girl sitting at a laptop on her bedroom floor.
Summary: Overcoming suspicion is a hard thing to do, but Xigbar figures Pocahontas is a tough enough kid.
A/N: So I’m halfway through this and I realize “Oh lord, I’ve been writing in present tense and didn’t realize it.” I tried to keep it as consistent as possible but if anything’s incorrect please leave me a note. Written for fanfic100. [[Fic Table]]

Demyx is playing with a raccoon - it’s licking his face - and Xigbar’s sure that can’t possibly be hygienic. Or safe. Or fun. The little bird, on the other hand, doesn’t trust them. He’s keeping his distance. Smart little bird. Xigbar smirks at it, and it puffs out its chest, offended.

The girl - Pocahontas was her name; Demyx had felt polite enough to ask - sat a little ways off, not sure whether to follow the path of the bird or the raccoon in trusting them.

Her indecision was such a pity. He could feel her heart, its power. She just needed to stop wavering and it would be perfect, pure and powerful. There weren’t many hearts like hers around. Xigbar idly wondered why she hadn’t been one of the Princesses of Heart. Maybe it was that aura of uncertainty around her. But Xigbar couldn’t see why that would have been a hindrance. Light sure loved naivety.

“Having some issues, kiddo?” Xigbar asks, and Demyx looks up. The raccoon sits on his head like that’s it’s most favorite place in the world.

Pocahontas gives him a quizzical look. “Issues?”

“Issues, yeah. Problems, concerns, difficulties, dilemmas?” Xigbar drawls, raising an eyebrow. “You haven’t run screaming from us like most people would.”

“Why would they do that?” Pocahontas frowns, puzzled.

“Xigbar’s a bit of a jerk,” Demyx offers in explanation, grinning. Xigbar throws a rock at him and almost dislodges the raccoon, who glares at him. Xigbar didn’t even know raccoons could glare.

“Most people can recognize danger when they see it,” Xigbar clarifies. Though Demyx’s statement could very well be true.

Pocahontas uncrosses her legs and leans forward on her knees, scooting closer. “You don’t look very dangerous to me,” she admits. “Just…different.”

Demyx laughs, glancing over at Xigbar. “I don’t think you could look any more different than Xigbar.”

“Hey, look who’s talking,” Xigbar mutters, gesturing at Demyx, “what with that pathetic excuse for a hairstyle.”

There is silence for a moment, which Pocahontas fills with a quiet comment,

“I think it is interesting.”

Xigbar snorts. “Your vote in this doesn’t count.”

Demyx however turns to Pocahontas and smiles. “Thank you.” The raccoon rolls down his back, tugging on Demyx’s hair as it goes. Demyx laughs, though Xigbar would definitely have kicked the animal to the river and back if it had the gall to do that to him. “Some people are so unappreciative.” He sticks his tongue out at Xigbar.

Pocahontas tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, glancing over at Xigbar. “There are many things to be thankful for if you just look at them in the right way.”

“Oh really.” He can’t be bothered to think of any sort of witty retort. She’s so strong; why doesn’t her heart match her convictions? She’s a tricky girl, that was for sure.

Xigbar stands up, brushing dirt off of his cloak and motioning for Demyx to follow suit. The blond frowns but stands, holding his hand out to Pocahontas. She stares at his outstretched hand apprehensively, and Xigbar is about to tell Demyx to forget it before Pocahontas reaches up and takes his hand.

He grins, crossing his arms over his chest. At least they’re making progress. Now if only they could get rid of that damn raccoon and make it look like an accident…


[fanfiction], this's crap see my writing comm instead

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