20_heartbeats challenge! 04. create

Sep 04, 2008 15:50

Title: Qualities
Characters: Luxord, Vexen
Rating: PG
Prompt: 04. Create [anyone can destroy, but this is much harder]
Word Count: 614
Summary: Hearts are nothing without personality.
Disclaimer: Kingdom Hearts is, most obviously, owned by big name companies and not by a girl sitting at a laptop on her bedroom floor.
A/N: Just some random speculation. I have no idea where I was going with it.
[[List of Awesome]]

It had been Xemnas’s idea, that Luxord help Vexen out with some experiments in the lab. Needless to say, Vexen didn’t quite approve of the situation; he already had Zexion to assist him, and anyway, what did this man who had barely been a Nobody for long know about hearts and the science thereof?

Though Luxord yet indeed knew little of hearts, it turned out that his talent with time won him over with Vexen far quicker than he had imagined it would take.

Solutions and mixtures that needed to sit for several hours were done in an instant. Reactions were slow down while copious notes were taken. Luxord was fairly certain that Vexen still thought of him as nothing more than a portable lab instrument, and sitting there controlling time around little vials of bubbly goo wasn’t the most interesting thing to be doing. Nevertheless, he complied with his superior’s wishes, a handy tool that nodded occasionally and smiled as Vexen talked science at him.

It had only been about a week before Vexen began collecting actual hearts. Luxord held one in his hand, the sparkling object floating in a glass jar. It seemed like the slightest movement would make the crystalline looking item shatter into tiny pieces.

Unfortunately for Vexen (and subsequently, Luxord), the scientist’s plans for these hearts didn’t go exactly as he wanted.

“Why won’t it work?” Vexen muttered for the sixth time since they had begun the experimentation an hour ago. “Time is an omnipotent presence - it could possibly be the world itself, interrupting - ”

Luxord had long since learned to tune Vexen out at times like these. Instead he continued to inspect the jar in his hands, watching the heart bump gently against the sides as he tilted it back and forth.

“Perhaps it means that you cannot use science to work with hearts,” Luxord said at last, tapping the jar lid. Vexen looked over at the other man, expression skeptical.

“It’s worked perfectly well until now,” he replied confidently. “I see no reason why your powers would fail to affect the subject.”

Luxord was silent for a moment, holding up the jar and staring at it. No matter what he had done, sped time up or reversed it or stopped it completely, the heart hadn’t changed. This went against everything his Other had learned when he was alive; all those silly sayings about time affecting love and the like. Real emotions altered over time, or so he had been led to believe. Very rarely did he come across a person who had such an unchanging range of emotions.

“A heart by itself is useless,” he said aloud at last, peering over the top of the jar at Vexen. The latter didn’t interrupt him with objections as he normally did, however, so Luxord continued. “By itself every heart is the same: a blank slate. You need personality and individual qualities to change a heart.”

Vexen raised an eyebrow, contemplating. “I see where you are coming from. But applied to the situation at hand - ”

“That is why it will not change when I work with it. There is nothing to work with. It’s quite easy to ruin a heart by ripping it out of the person who made it worthwhile.” Luxord set the jar down lightly. “Of course, I assume a particularly strong heart would yield more results, such as is needed to create a Nobody,” he added as an afterthought.

Vexen smiled thinly. “Then that is what we shall get our hands on.”

Luxord sighed quietly. Hopefully his lead would bring about some suitable outcome; he didn’t know how much more of Vexen’s complaints he could tolerate.


[fanfiction], this's crap see my writing comm instead

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