Its pretty sad when waking up at 8:45 is considered sleeping in. I remember not too long ago, waking up at 11 am was considered getting up really early.
This is very interesting. Just an example of the stuff my dad e-mails me.
A bill is in the Georgia senate to charge a 5% fee on money transfers going outta the country if the sender can't prove they're here legally. I approve.
Watching TV last night. A commercial for PetSmart came on and refered to pet owners as "Pet parents." Gag me with a fucking spoon. People, pets are NOT children. They are pets. I always feel I'm gonna vomit when someone walks into their house with me and says something like, "Hi Fluffy! Did you miss Mommy/Daddy?" And anytime that I'm refered to as "daddy" in regard to my pets, I correct the person.