Oct 12, 2014 20:19
Things that annoy:
Metal handled pans. Why why why would you make a pan handle conduct heat? Isn’t that one of the most ridiculous design ideas in the history of the world? Isn’t that up there with chocolate teapots and fireguards?
Metal handled pans that are also supposed to be oven safe - so you put said pan in, say, a 200oC for that handle to get stupendously hot.
But what really really really annoys is that, despite the aforementioned ridiculousness of metal handled, oven-safe pans, if you firmly grasp said handle, after it comes out of the oven, with your own bare hand you really have no-one to blame but yourself.
And that’s really really annoying because that kind of screeching pain of quite nasty burns over the entire palm of your hand and fingers really really REALLY demands you scream at SOMEONE. Screaming at one’s self is not sufficient.
On the plus side, I didn’t spill dinner.
On the minus side even an hour after the burn, removing my hand from a bowl of cold water or an ice pack was quite painful - to an extent of not being able to keep it out of water for more than 5 minutes before being quite willing to murder a rather large number of people if they were stood between me and that water. This was not a productive way to spend the evening.
Thankfully, it has reduced to being merely excruciatingly painful so I am not forced to keep it stuck in ice - but typing one handed is vexatious. Typing two handed is… unpleasant. The cold water is still nearby to top up.
What does surprise me is the relative lack of blisters - I mean, there’s a lot of redness and several blisters all over my hand -but the blistered areas are no more/less painful than the none-blistered. The blisters seem to be quite quite random.
state of me,
random stuffness