Homophobic Bullying: Doing Nothing isn't Fixing Anything

Jul 05, 2012 14:26

When we talk about homophobic bullying that hurts our youth so much there’s always a lot of distractions - there’s the “no let’s tackle all bullying” and the “why are you focused on GBLT kids” distraction, there’s the “religious freedom” wail, there’s the “indoctrination hiss” and, inevitably, there’s the earnest and tearful “but what can we do?”

Because, y’know we’re all utterly helpless before this, how can we stop this? It’s so tragic but there’s nothing we can do! This is usually followed by plaintive worries that teachers can do nothing, worries about the effectiveness of laws and disparagement about even offering support to the victims.

Well, looky here.

99% of GBLT kids in Britain hear homophobic language in schools. 99%. No that’s not an exaggeration or made up figure - and anyone listening would realise that is true.

23% have tried to commit suicide. 56% actively self-harm.

More of the typical “oh how tragic but what can we do?” right?

Well, how about this:

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gbltq issues, homophobia

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