It's been a little while. My new computer meant I lost a lot of my linkies and took a while to retrieve them. Then the list was, of course, rather longer and this was compounded by my having a complete "no, I can't do this. I can't" moment which was unpleasant. They're not happy fun lists, after all.
But, I do think they're imporant, so after much wrangling I finally got it together
Hate Speech
Now that the excellent California law that requires GBLT people to be included in history lessons has passed, hate group Save California wants parents to
remove their kids from schools so they are not “mentally molested” While we have seen the much publicised racist rant of that vile woman on a tram
there has also been a case of a homophobe abusing gay passengers on the London overground as well as 2 cases of street preachers engaging in similar abuse.
Kelly Osborune
has spewed some vile transphobia and followed it up with a series of non-pologies.
Brett Ratner decided that homophobic slurs are such witty one liners I love the “everyone who knows me knows I don’t have a prejudiced bone in my body.” Uh-huh your used a slur - I think the prejudice is pretty damn clear.
Professional footballer
Hope Akban’s homophobic tweet is, naturally, going to face no consequences Read More