Sandusky is not gay you bigots.

Nov 22, 2011 13:32

I knew I’d have to do this, because I have to do this every time ( Read more... )

gbltq issues, faith in humanity dying, homophobia

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teleens_journal November 22 2011, 15:13:01 UTC

Also, reposted.


sparkindarkness November 22 2011, 18:25:35 UTC
The only real response to this


teleens_journal November 22 2011, 23:18:13 UTC
Except that someone tried to argue it - check my FB wall for the details. They haven't responded yet, but just *headdesk*.


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sparkindarkness November 23 2011, 16:13:47 UTC
Afre there gay paediophiles? yes, but the rate is actually lower than amiong heterosexuals. And if someone is preying on young chjildren that makes them a paedophile, not gay.

There is ZERO indication that Sandusky is gay. People are assuming he is gay ebcause he is a paedophile - because of the extremely destructive and homophobic meme that gay men are child predators


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sparkindarkness November 23 2011, 16:45:24 UTC
There are gay men who also happen to be paedophiles just as there are straight men who happen to be paedophiles. That is not and never has been disputed. Assuming Sandusky is gay BECAUSE he is a paedophile is bigotry.

Sandusky is not a homosexual and did not engage ion homosexuality. He engaged in paedophilia.

You may love the Asian paradigm, but not everyone lives it or even remotely agrees with it, to many of us our sexuality is a vital part of our identity and I will not have that overrled - and you are using language that calls gay men who DO identify as gay paedophiles

If you continue to conflate being a gay man with being a paedophile, I will ban you. I won't tolerate such homophobia in this space, nor such triggers. A man having sex with an adult man is being gay. A man having sex with a child is paedophilia.


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sparkindarkness November 23 2011, 16:58:17 UTC
"I said, 'man who rapes male children' = both pedophile and gay/bi/heteroflexible"

No. Man who rapes make children = paedophile. They could be gay, bi, straight or anything in between. but that doesn't make him not straight and it is not an indication fo being gay/bi etc. I say again, make this link again and you will be banned, i won't stand for that homophobia.

That IS the current definition. And bigots are bigots for trying to spread the hate-crime encouraging idea that every time a paedophile story arises it is a gay man who is the rapist


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sparkindarkness November 23 2011, 18:25:49 UTC
Nope, a man who rapes children is a paedophile

Whether he is also gay, straight, bi or other is irrespective of his raping of children.

Sandusky raped children that made him a paedophile. We can also infer sexual attraction to adult women without too much doubt since he has a wife.

That is all.


teleens_journal November 24 2011, 19:32:05 UTC
I'm not knowledgeable on the subject - and I ask just to understand-
I know that there's a difference between being attracted to children than to adults, but usually - do pedophiles tend to prey on boys or girls?
I can understand why being attracted to a pre-adolescent boy wouldn't qualify as being homosexual, but if it's an adolescent boy - wouldn't it be considered being attracted to someone the same gender as you?
And another question is how do you define children, or pedophile ?

[and I really don't think that pedo=gay, I'm just trying to understand your opinion better]


sparkindarkness November 24 2011, 19:59:30 UTC
Paedophiles prey on children - usually on those that are vulnerable to them.

It's considered being attracted to CHILDREN.

Being gay = attracted to an adult of your own sex
Paedophile = being attracted to children

There is no mixing the two.

And, given the trolling and the sockpuppeting on this post, I'm dislinclined to allow further anonymous comments


neurotic_rat November 23 2011, 17:24:14 UTC
'man who rapes male children' = both pedophile and gay/bi/heteroflexible'

Um, what? A pedophile is pedophile, and should NOT be used as a frikkin' determination of what sexuality a person is, regardless of the gender of the child victim. Way to also be jumping on the SAME bandwagon that people are calling and assuming the criminal in question here is 'gay' when there is NOT OTHER information released about him.

And, uh... what Asian paradigm are you talking about? Asian here, and I could NOT understand what the hell you just wrote there (in English, no less). And hate to say this, but living in Japan we ALSO have the SAME stereotypes of LGBTs on TV and in the media (especially the annoying, hetero-ness in yaoi manga for christs sake) and the frikkin' preference to STRAIGHT relationships just like the US.


sparkindarkness November 23 2011, 18:28:13 UTC
it's a horrendous trope and assumption. The position she is pressing is what encourages so many hate crimes and causes so many gay men to live in fear - to say nothing of causing the difficulty it does for us to adopt or have our families recognised.

But then we are arguing with soemone who has a large portrait of the pedobear on their profile so... yeah.


neurotic_rat November 24 2011, 10:32:04 UTC
Seeing her... interests in her profile, yet had the nerve to be very pushy on her views to you was just terribly ironic, and very... pretentious is the only word I can think of, right now... *rubs her forehead*


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