Or so it seems. In fairness, we should add “allegedly” all over.
But while considering that, please pull up a chair and join me in another big slice of schadenfreude pie (damn if they keep this up I am so going to put on weight from this pie) while we watch Bishop Eddie Long
Bishop Eddie Long is not very friendly to GBLTQ rights - no no he is not.
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And that will really be the death knell for this kind of rhetoric: when the vast majority of those that hear homophobic hate respond with Oh, God, another self-hating repressed homosexual; wonder how many of his male associates he's boinking and The poor man, he must be having such difficulty coming to terms with himself; I shall give him pamphlets about the local GBLTQ center--then the only people who'll actually contribute to the ranter's cause will be the lunatic fringe that will never quite disappear.
And of course, once there's no money to be had in it, there's (a) no point in going into it in the first place and (b) no way to influence public policy.
LOL that will be such an ideal response to them
Ah, but they're not the ones making salacious headlines. And if the public perception does start to regard every homophobic ranter as probably homosexual, how many of the straight ones are going to risk it? Only the really devoted ones, and then they'll just get the response of he doth protest too much and be constantly fending off questions about how many of his male staffers he's propositioned and why did he get divorced three times anyway.
Also, please tell me someone has already come up with the pamphlet idea and "saving" homophobes. Oh! Chick tract equivalents! Not just parodies, but ones that direct you to your local PFLAG chapter or GBLTQ center while mimicking the Chick style. They must exist somewhere. I would totally keep a bunch on hand and distribute them.
I'm actually leery of the public getting too behind the idea that homophobia comes from closet cases -because while there are some stellar examples and it may put off osme of them (or lead to them being dismissed) there are a lot of straight haters out there - and the last thing we need is for homophobia to be considered an internal problem, y'know?
Oh I would so make one. Personally I'd just go to them and start singing "don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?"
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