Uganda - another reason why I am worried

Dec 06, 2009 23:20

The Uganda bill continues apace, stunning in its vileness.

Let me reiterate what this bill will do.

"Aggravated" Homosexuality (that is repeat offenders - had sex more than once, those with AIDS and other groups) will be executed. Hanged.

Homosexuality - life imprisonment.

Speaking in favour for or supporting homosexuality - 5 years.

Failing to report someone is homosexual within 24 hours - 3 years in prison.

If a Ugandan citizen has homosexual sex in another country - they can be extradited BACK to Uganda to be punished

Let's be clear. This is genocide. They are going to arrest all homosexuals and kill them. They will persecute and imprison people who protest, try to hide homosexuals or refuse to be part of it. This is nothing short of state-sponsored, legal genocide.

And it's not been treated as such.

Most of the media is ignoring it. (Though, again, a nod to Rachel Maddow Here is a great vid and another)

Some governments are condemning it (UK, Canada, much of the EU) but others are very weak on their disapproval (the US) and many more are silent. Only Sweden, that I can find, has declared there will be consequences for this genocidal law.

The Catholic church is silent about it - despite religion being the prime motivator of this evil and the main force behind it.

Rowan Williams is hedging around it. His office let it known he is privately upset about it but he's going to work covertly... really? (though he is quick to speak against a Lesbian Bishop. Seriously? Genocide makes him hem and haw - but a Lesbian Bishop is worth comment? Frankly, screw you too Anglican church. You've shown your worth here - more than. Enemy and evil, the Catholic church written small, but not really any less hateful. If this is Christian love I am ecstatic not to be a Christian.)

Let's be clear again here. State sponsored genocide is proposed and the general consensus is "tut tut how unfortunate" or less?

It worries me. The chances of me going to Uganda and falling foul of this bill are slim (but I grieve and rage for my brothers and sisters who will be caught in this slaughter). Uganda has been firmly on my list of countries I dare not visit for some time now. But it worries me to see how little we are valued. How unimportant this is to so much of the world. How much of the world is turning a blind eye or tacitly supporting us.

I knew that many hated us - but to see so many governments and powerful institutions utterly indifferent to something so grossly horrific - it scares me. It scares me how little they give a damn. It scares me that they can overlook or tacitly encourage this. It scares me that this message of ACCEPTABILITY or INDIFFERENCE is being broadcast worldwide. This is a global message of how little our lives matter on a scale that stuns me.

I knew they didn't give a damn about us. But you'd think genocide would be the limit.

homophobia, faith in humanity dying!, that's pure evil

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