just another manic tuesday

Sep 11, 2007 23:54

it's strange being the late owl.
but at this apartment, it is my roomate who has the 9-5, and I, as the newly freed graduate student, am here to organize my time thusly so it no longer makes sense for me to be in bed by 11. there are a number of good hours yet to be taken advantage of.
The change can happen so quick. and i have to say, i am making do.
I would like to add, well, but this will only reveal itself in hindsight.
I was supposed to organize my room, and unpack the very very last remaining shred of my move (a ginormous box of clothes that has been staring me in the face for these past few weeks now) but then i felt that writing would be a far better enterprise.
at least for this very moment.
I spent the evening making what should have been a very quick and easy meal, but as Mikey put it, it was a Tat cooking scenario, so it took twice as long. I still ended up with a yummy cheesy quinoa, leek and carrot quichy type nummyness, both filling and delicious, that my roommate was quite excited for. So there.

I am enjoying classes so far. Tues is my big one, with two full 2 hour lectures, two hours apart. really takes most of the day you see :)
today was one of the first times i joined in the social fray and went to hang with a bunch of CCT'ers in the main student hall to do "reading." Of course most of it was a very silly and amicable exchange of snickering and dissecting the readings. oh and there was wikipedia. and almost no work done. but it FELT great. I have been a bit starved for camaderie, you all might imagine. It has been awesome hanging out with the roommate, who so far i've gotten hooked on Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Quinoa, and with a bit of time and patience, Russian soups and banana bread.
I was told that the bread I sent to Fulton St. was devoured in one night's time. Bravo boys! :)
Speaking of, it seems to be a quite a convergence of them in Beantown right now, and I miss them.
However, it is a good and healthy sort of missing.
Everything is going well I think.
The Aesop Rock show I went to last night kicked major ass. Dj Signify and Blockhead were fantastic, although we only caught maybe the last 15 minutes or so of their set. Cage was so so, I was a bit annoyed by their NY white boy hoppers stage shtick. They were trying really hard to be the Beasties I think, and although the beats were good, the whole yelling at the crowd every five minutes demanding hands in the air gets mighty stale quick unless you have something insightful or wow-worthy to follow that shit up with.
Lesson learned? Good :)
Aesop and crew did it up proper though. They were mostly new tracks I didn't recognize but still enjoyed quite a bit. And what they say about the 9:30 Club being a kick ass venue is really true, despite them having S.E.R.I.O.U.S. security that even took away my, take a breath here, SHARPIE. That's right. That's considered contraband.
However, considering this was the first time in maybe Eight years that I've witnessed crowd surfing, maybe that makes sense?
I dunno.
Anyways, I had a fabulous time, and was glad to have the company of two lovely ladies from CCT who also enjoyed themselves. I got room to dance and everything, and got complimented by a cool chica that I bonded with temporarily, but we even swapped numbers! At least I do have to say that people are easier to converse with here on some level. SOME level. :)
But in all honesty, this bit o' the south has been treating me good.
When I went out to dinner with parents of Jenn's boyfriend, I was not shocked to witness his dad get up to move my chair for me if I got up from the table. Usually that sort of shit would drive me bonkers, but here, it somehow fits, I don't know.
Anyways, lots lots more I could rant on and on about. but honestly I WOULD like to unpack those boxed up clothes and put them in my nice new $30 dresser :)
Have a lovely night, all. (I leave you with a solid promise, that NEVER, and I mean never, will that last word be preceeded with a y and an apostrophe, so don't you fret.)

dc, grad school, south, cct, aesop rock

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