it's update time kiddies!

Sep 09, 2006 12:30

So i've been back on the east coast since late late thurs night.
BM has been over for almost a week.
it's sat today.
i'm still floating in a sea of jet lagged weird schedule confusion so forgive me.
first of, the trip was FANTASTIC.
i couldn't have planned it better.
we did in fact have TOO many days in Frisco prior, but didn't really do very much considering.

Day 1 (fri, 08/25): we arrive in Oakland airport after a very very very early morning and relatively no sleep due to packing. we instantly head off to the closest home depot we can find to try and track down our generator.
we did. but after much getting lost on around the freeways in our zany sleep deprived state, and going to other home depots only to be lied to repeatedly about the possible existance of said generator, we found one in the most imporbable spot, and took the damn thing and ran. followed by delicious and well earned In & Out burgers. We also took in the San Francisco Bay Wildlife Preserve and took a very energizing walk around in the late afternoon sun.
Didn't see much wildlife though, but it was nice nonetheless.
Then drive into town to meet up with Stef and Cerrito for sushi dinner and then later drinks with Jenn W. We didn't roll into our sleeping destination in Belmont CA till nearly 2 am.
What a day.
Day 2 (sat, 08/26):
Went out for a fabulous asian buffet that had a CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN. it was rad.
then proceeded to do NOTHING for the rest of the day.
oh we did go have dinner in this crappy little town of Burlingame that may be one of the most boring strip malls sheeshy places ever.
But they did have a Dukes of Hazard General Lee replica sitting in the street! Then back to the city at night to stay at Stef's and work on art projects. Mostly having to do with bikes and parasols.

Day 3 (sun, 08/27):
It took us a few hours to get going, then we did not stop.
Pearls, Home Depot (i never want to see one for as long as i live.) Trader Joes, Target, a booze store, and then once again delicious In & Out.
Fucking exhausting.
We make it back to Stef's for final packing and preparations. As she and Chris were heading out to Reno for the night we needed to get our asses in high gear. And we had to find water. We barely did that. Thanks to our navigational computer. Oh did I mention we had a massive Jeep Commander with GPS, THREE sun roofs, and prime leather seating, not to mention a friggin CAMERA on its rear end that activated when the car is in reverse? well yes.
we packed the fucker to the brim. and even had to tie stuff up on the roof.
Mikey did most of this actually. He was a bit pissed about getting gas spilled on his bags. Ugh gasoline. Anyways, we left Frisco around 2 am and headed due east.
I slept as much as I could, and let Mikey take the helm.

Day 4 (mon, 08/28):
Stopped in NV around 4 am for gas, bathrooms and the like. a huge empty slot machine hall is an eerie place to find yourself at such an hour, and such a time.
I took the wheel, and drove thru Reno and onwards as the sun came up from the surrounding mountains. it was the most awe-inspiring drive I have ever made, no question.
just empty vestiges of land, with small brush and practically no trees, wild rugged mountain edging the horizon, and sun light, getting stronger and clearer with every mile.
i took MANY pics of this, and will add those in soon.
we arrive in great spirits at the gate at 8 am.
we get in quickly and easily to find a nearly half completed city spread around.
we find a great spot to camp and reserve for our friends as we are by far the early arrivers.
this day drags on long and slow. it's hot and not a cloud in the sky. our shade structure has not arrived and will not for another 12 hours or so.
we don't know this yet, but the feeling is generally miserable. the boys sit in the tent, but i can't bear the heat in there.
just being in the vestibule of the tent is enough to make me want to pass out. i spend the rest of the day cowering in the only other shade we have - that of our large rediculous vehicle. i fly my kite in the afternoon and make friends with the neighboors but get a bit sick afterwards. the sun is strong, and bodies unused to such hazards better take it easy.
our Chicago-uns arrive to much fanfare around 9 pm. we quickly start to help them get the geodesic dome and their various tents up. food is scarce, as we have not had cooking equipment and this will not be set up till tomorrow.

Day 5 (tues, 08/29):
Fran and Cris arrive in the morning!!!
More setting up and beautifying of our camp and dome continues. We venture out for our first group excursion out onto the playa and to see the Man. It's gorgeous and hot and I earn my first playa name as I mist people down along our route. I'm Mister Lady!

Day 6 (wed, 08/30):
There is much hookah smoking and lounging, but also another large group excursion out and about. We separate at Entheon Village (Alex Gray's village), much gorgeous art on display and a serene place to rest out in the afternoon. we sit thru a guided meditation led by Alex, and then exit a little while later as several nude models take the stage for a sketching workshop. Our friends have departed, it's just me, Fran, and Cris, and so we ride out into the playa once again, me riding on Fran's handlebars. There have been many dust twisters this day, and several things have been blown over, but somehow we have no idea what's coming.
the biggest dust storm is about to hit the playa, and us right in the middle of it!!!
WOW. Power of nature is impossible to control or predict. The storm hits and it's like nothing any of us have ever seen before or experienced. The sky goes white. There is so much dust being blown straight past that visibility is nil. It's warm wind at first and we have a lot of fun dancing through this awesome storm. but it does not abate. it gets stronger, and higher winds are now picking up small rock-sized debris into the air, in effect pelting us with small pebble sized rocks. Holy shit! we ride out most of the storm in a beautiful dream tent we happen to be near. the scene inside is so post apocalyptic. the place is full, and everyone's hair and body is covered by a brown-gray layer. everyone is covered with goggles and dust masks. it's completely like a scene from a movie.
it gets later and colder, quick. so we brave the storm once more to head back to camp before night falls and the temperatures REALLY drop.
this may be the first night we actually go off onto the playa to see the lights and sounds after dinner and warm clothes...
i make the trek back to bed solo. it's a long and chilly walk.

Day 7 (thurs, 08/31):
Another beautious day. Some more dust twisters being pranksters. Cris and Stef come by and we go out to Center Camp together, with me riding on the front of Stef's awesome franken-bike, misting and spraying people down without mercy.
Don't remember much of the rest of the day, but the night brings forth another excursion, and emily hitches a ride with me. though she is NOT a fun companion for most of the night.
it's freezing out and i can't seem to get enough layers on.
mikey and bryan make sure i'm comfortable and take care of me.
we do get some quality dancing in though, before the night is over!

Day 8 (fri, 09/01): Feeling a little ill from the night previous, I spend most of the day lounging about and sleeping.
It's hot. And I still don't feel quite like learning to ride a bike.
There is a big fun group excursion out onto the playa this evening, complete with a ride on an art car (finally!!). Due to our friends' propane getting stolen a few nights previous, there has been a cooking schedule made up by Fran, and we've been eating like kings.

Day 9 (sat, 09/02 - BURN NIGHT): i feel there was more laziness this day. although chris and stef do drag me out on a bike riding lesson. turns out i can ride!! all these years, silently lying to myself and others. :) just kidding. anyways, it's pretty silly. i'm happy for the final lesson. Alice comes to play in the evening, and we get ready. we're all decked out, and ready to go. we head out to the burn all together, bedecked with beautiful masks our new friends Lott and Ryan have loaned us for the evening. there are also pictures of this, so worry not. i stop taking pictures right before the fire dancing commences however. i was fearful for the safety of my camera, but others have excellent pics of this.
the burn is pagentry and confusion. there is lots of heat, and lots of bodies. i pretty let my friends lead me as we commence a hurried walk around the fallen man. we then head out away from the pandemonium, everything is glittering and incredibly beautiful.
though i would have either preferred to stay close to watch the madness, or sit out and watch the stars. we keep moving, always moving. i spend a few very emotional moments at the temple, built to burn, but also to reflect and commemorate burners' wishes, hopes, dreams, and pains. i shed a few tears of my own. then its time to collect the group and set off for more dancing.
earlier than expected everyone heads back to camp to relax and regroup. but i am not ready to veg out just yet, so Tracy (Phoenix) and I head back out together. we spend a delighful night out just walking, and dancing and talking. we spend a few giggly hours huddled under sleeping bags watching the starts slowly fade into the sunrise. then it's time for sleep.

there are a few days to follow...but i will stop here for now. for i must still finish laundry, and clean out my bags from the playa....much love to Cris, Fran, Gabe, Arkadios, Tracy, Ryan, Lott and Mikey and Bryan. what a camp we had. what a family was created for one beautiful week...

burning man

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