weekend thumping

Oct 18, 2005 12:13

our feet got a fantastic workout in NYC this weekend, that's for sure.
and i have to say that place is huge, blows your mind huge, and it is impossible to comprehend unless you are THERE, for although i have been visiting NY for many many years now sincei have family there, this was the first time i was running around in 3 boroughs during the course of a mere 3 days. if it weren't for Chris Cerrito's comprehension of directions and subway logic, i would have been UTTERLY lost.
so i just resigned to follow and not think about where i was going at all. and it worked quite nicely i have to say.
Larry and I didn't bicker too much, and overall had an amazing time visiting.
There is SO MUCH to do in that crazy city! my god. there must be a gizzilion ethnic restaraunts of every creed and price, it's a wonder how they ALL manage to stay in business.
* we visited the outdoor grafitti "museum" which was stupendous, and i took a million pictures,
* Alex Grey's Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (WOW),
* a country club on a pier where we went golfing and watched the sunset,
* some super tasty and very moderately priced eateries,
* A really cool indoor upscale market with fantastic gelatto and a live tango class in session,
* Times Square (what the fuck is up with those 6-person round bicycle things in Times Square? it doesn't make ANY goddamn sense for those things to be there. At all.)
* the Nokia theater, where we attempted to enjoy the Sound Tribe Sector Nine show with live painting by Alex Gray and another painter we did not recognize but thoroughly liked, then fled, because it's an evil evil place.
* had some crazy and stressful cold adventures with non-funtioning public transport/impossibility of cab hailing at 1 am on a Saturday night
* Rothko, a tiny, understated venue where there was a GREAT drum n bass night (this we did after stomping around the city all day, and after the Sound Tribe show)
* amazing ethnic supermarkets that are open 24 hours a day
* visited Phil & Jen's cute little Brooklyn apartment
* the Noguchi museum in Queens with some gorgeous zen style sculptures
We also went to see Thumbsucker, which was really cool, and visited Forbidden Planet, an AWESOME comic book store.

So as you can see, we really wasted no time in enjoying ourselves to the fullest.
Yup. our bodies hurt, but our hearts were content.
we didnt' even get to frolick at Central Park, although Larry did a bit.
And Ceritto's place was awesome, and he a great host. let's not count the cash spent though.... :)So yes. Wonderous.

vacation, new york

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