Dec 20, 2012 16:27
Ok, lets not talk about how much I fail at updating, despite repeated vows to get better. We'll pretend that I'm awesome at updating, or that I don't make repeated vows, and we'll be just fine, yes? Great!
So, I had the death. It was terrible. I am on horse pill sized antibiotics now, which seems to be doing away with the death. But let me tell you, going to bed one night with a mild cold and runny nose and waking up the next day with your ENTIRE FACE hurting from sinus pressure is not so fun.
Cards will be going out over the next few days- didn't really have the energy while I was sick, and now I need stamps. So. Stamps will be acquired tonight, cards will go out by Saturday. So you might get your card a little later than I'd intended, but certainly before the New Year!
I am going to savagely beat a coworker, and I don't think a single other coworker would blame me. This guy is always late. I mean, always. By at least 20 minutes. And three times in the last month, he's been an hour and a half late. And since he's my relief, I can't leave until he gets there. So yes. Savage beatings will commence, and then this little fuckup will learn not to let his shit infringe on other people's lives.
Ok, no actual savage beatings. Just savage glee when he's fired in the new year. Bastard.
On a positive note! Christmas shopping is all done! Wrapping is all done! We didn't actually decorate this year, mostly out of laziness, but the spirit is there! I have candy cane nails, that counts for something, doesn't it?
Alright. I potentially have some exciting news, but I don't want to jinx it- so I won't post about it until it happens. But please think good thoughts for me, ok?
Much love!
its christmastime motherfuckers!,
my body hates me,
work eats my soul