Mar 12, 2012 21:24
I finished all my homework up that was due by today, and I decided to get an early start on the next session of classes by going through the syllabus and writing down all the assignments and readings. And then I died a little. My last two classes are 1)History of the U.S. 1945-Present and 2)Environmental Management Capstone. The reading. Oh god the reading. Like, 10 chapters a week between the two of them, not to mention conference responses and writing assignments. If I do not post in the next two months, you will know why. (It is because my books have literally drowned me in reading, that's why)
So this week went from my down time (only one class, imagine all the free time!) to "lets see if I can get a head start on this MASSIVE amount of reading, yeah? I will count myself lucky if I can complete the first week's reading this week. If I can stay a week ahead on reading I will be incredibly happy. But that is highly unlikely. Sigh. College is hard, who knew?!
I do have plans for this week though, to be slotted in between ALL THE READING! Tomorrow I aim to bike the Crescent Trail all the way to Georgetown and back up to Bethesda. Getting to Georgetown is the easy part. When I say back up to Bethesda, I do mean UP. The entire trail is uphill heading in that direction. But it should be good! I just need to remember to pack a granola bar or something so I don't die 3/4 of the way through.
Tomorrow evening is Taco Tuesday with Palmer (obvs), Duante, and Joe (who SWEARS he will show up this time). Hopefully Quarry House will not be as jam-packed as it was last time.
Wednesday I have a hair-model appointment with my stylist. Probably nothing much will happen, as there is a workshop in a month. But I imagine he'll take some of the weight off the back, making me look less mullet-y.
And that's about it! Crafting may commence at some point, if it does I shall post pictures!
Almost forgot- who has two thumbs and an A in Emergency Management? THIS GIRL!
my thrilling life of academia,
biking doesn't make me a hipster